Art Film 2012' Curating film program on art, artist films and documentaries. April 12 - 15, Verkadefabriek
Den Bosch
Exhibition design and installation 'God Save the Queen'
Kunst, Kraak, Punk: 1977 – 1984, Centraal Museum,
Utrecht, March 3 till June 10, 2012
with a.o.: Gordon Matta-Clark, René Daniëls, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Keith Haring, Robert Longo, Walter Dahn, Georg Doukopil, Rob Scholte & Sandra Derks, Rammellzee
Grant 2012' Organizing ArtAids Video Grant, ArtAids Foundation, Barcelona
Art Film 2011' Curating film program on art, artist films and documentaries. May 26 - 29, Verkadefabriek
Den Bosch
het Land' Production of art project by Ingrid Mol, April
16, Oudewater. www.bovenhetland.nl
Hall' Curating film and video program at Art Rotterdam,
February 10 - 13, Rotterdam
Magazine at the ‘Minimarket’ a sidefair at Magazijn,
Amsterdam with: Diana Stigter, Martin van Zomeren, Juliette Jongma,
Christina Wilson, Hoet / Bekaert, Office Baroque Gallery and Sashin
Videoproduction ‘Broken Circle, Spiral Hill’ Robert
screening from Zapp Magazine #11 at the Land Art Center,
Drenthe, The Netherlands
Videoproduction & videostills for exhibition
and catalogue
‘Ideal Individuals’ L.A. Raeven
voor Moderne Kunst, Arnhem
Curator ‘Bosch Art Film 2010’ Curating film program on art, artist films and documentaries, Verkadefabriek, Den Bosch
and production ‘ISH TV’ narrowcast television station
for the International School The Hague
with: Peter Westenberg, Ellen
Mandemaker, Shereen Abdul Baki, Philip Davenport, Arnoud Holleman,
Gerald van der Kaap, Otto Berchem, Marijke van Warmerdam
and videoproduction ‘Graphic on Grids’ Alfred Eikelenboom Kunstfort Vijfhuizen, Haarlemmermeer
Videoproduction ‘Pulp
Machineries’ Klaas Kloosterboer Suðsuðvestur, Reykjanesbaer,
Villa Romana, Florence, Italy
Production ‘Pepperminta’ Pipilotti Rist
at the Dutch
film location the tulipfields
Videoproduction ‘Height of
Vanity’ L.A. Raeven
Videoproduction ‘The World is my
Oyster’ Job Koelewijn
‘Loco Motion’ De Pont,
Production ‘Circustent met Kadaver’ Klaas
KAAP/de kleine biennale, Fort Ruigenhoek, Utrecht
Videoproduction ‘Life
in a very big Lamp’ Oorbeek
live performance at W139, Amsterdam.
Videoproduction ‘Echoes
of Despair’ L.A. Raeven
Production and videoproduction
artwork Han Schuil
La Fenetre, Den Haag. Commissioned by Vesteda Maastricht
Videoproduction ‘No
Whites’ L.A. Raeven
Curator ‘Someone
makes a call and the sun goes down’
with Robby Müller, Daragh Reeves & Zapp Magazine
ARTIS, Den Bosch
Zapp Magazine
# 11
Videoproduction ‘Kelly’
L.A. Raeven
Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam
Preproduction ‘Pepperminta’
Pipilotti Rist
Curator, installation
& videoproduction ‘BUUT’
Artprojects for schools, Stroom, Den Haag
Videoproduction ‘Thin
Line’ L.A. Raeven
Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam
Leigh Bowery
‘Always a little Further’
arsenale 51th Venice Biennale 2005, Venice
Videoproduction Lily van der Stokker
van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven
Videoproduction ‘Prison in Me’ L.A. Raeven
Loud & Clear, Bifrons, Amsterdam
Curator, design & installation
‘Kleurbeurs 2005’ (commissioned by Sikkens
Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam
Videoproduction ‘Love Has Many Faces’ L.A. Raeven
Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam
Videoproduction Leigh Bowery
‘Take a Bowery’
Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney
Videoproduction Lily van der Stokker
Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht
Videoproduction ‘Sibling Rivalry’ L.A. Raeven
Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam
Videoproduction ‘03108’ (Workshop) Klaas Kloosterboer
Galerie van Gelder, Amsterdam
Curator & installation ‘Gnome Sweet Gnome’
Experimental Jetset, Mascha de Vries, Mr. & Mrs. Cameron,
Rik Delrue, Tom Claassen, Erik Wesselo, Kesselskramer / Johan, Andre Havas,
Hans van Bentem, Erik Weeda, Otto Berchem, Ram Katzir, Yariv Alter-Fin, Paul
de Reus, Luk van Soom, Piet Dirkx, Sigurdur Gudmundsson, Pjotr Müller,
Piet Hein Eek, Pieter Kusters, Wim T. Schippers.
Keukenhof, Lisse
Videoproduction Lily van der Stokker
Rooseum, Malmö
Videoproduction ‘Wildzone 2’ L.A. Raeven
I.C.A. London
Participant & producer videocatalogue
‘Manifesta 4’
European Biennial of Contemporary Art
Frankfurt / Main, Germany
Videoproduction ‘01106’ (Ballast) Klaas Kloosterboer
Galerie van Gelder
Curator Inkijk #15
from the archive of ZappMagazine
SKOR Inkijk, Amsterdam
Videoproduction ‘Killer Queen’ L.A. Raeven
CASCO, Utrecht
Videoproduction ‘Chroma Key’ footage Viktor & Rolf
Ready toWear Collection Fall / Winter 2002 / 2003, Paris
Co-curator & installation ‘Mobile Architecture Storkterrein
Amsterdam’ (commissioned by SKOR)
Cooperation installation:
- Artspace, Exedra Hilversum,
- Nederlands Persmuseum Amsterdam,
- Annet Gelink Gallery Amsterdam.
Videoproduction ‘Haute Couture’ Viktor & Rolf
Groninger Museum, Groningen
Participant & producer videocatalogue
Werkleitz Biennale, Tornitz, Germany
Production & installation ‘Press 2000’ Viktor &
La Beauté, Avignon, France
Design and installation Twan Janssen
Stedelijk Museum, Schiedam
Installation Statements Art 30 Basel Uri Tzaig
Gallery Mot & van den Boogaard, Brussels
Curator “Roommates” :
Julia Scher, Aernout Mik, Barbara Visser, Miltos Manetas,
Jim Isermann, Vanessa Beecroft, Lily van der Stokker, Liza May Post, Viktor
& Rolf, Lothar Hempel, Paul de Reus, Karen Kilimnik.
Museum van Loon, Amsterdam
Curator Videoprogram
Projectspace BuroFriedrich, Berlin
Initiator retrospective exhibition Hannah Wilke
(European Museumtour 1998 - 1999)
Design & installation
‘Meret Oppenheim 1913 - 1985’
Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Arnhem
design & installation
‘Het Beste van Wim T Schippers’
Centraal Museum, Utrecht
Cooperation installation ‘Wenen 1900’
van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
Cooperation installation ‘Mummies’
Rijksmuseum voor Oudheidkunde, Leiden
Cooperation installation ‘Sir Lawrence Tadema’
van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
Design & installation Statements Art 27 Basel
‘Mouse Museum’ Elise Tak
Bloom Gallery, Amsterdam
Reconstruction Colenbrander rooms & exhibition rooms
Museum Mesdag, Den Haag
Cooperation installation ‘Framed’
van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
Curator Four Conceptual Artists;
Kathe Burkhart, Sylvie Fleury, Ria Pacquee, Elise Tak
Galerie Ponte Pietra, Verona Italië
Cooperation installation Japanese section
Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden
Curator Biennale Gelderland,
selection of artists from the region of Gelderland
Gemeentemuseum, Arnhem
Curator Fragments of the 60’s & 70’s II
Pieter Engels, Jeroen Henneman, Wim T. Schippers,
Woody van Amen, Daan van Golden.
Galerie Kornblit, Amsterdam
Curator videoprogram La Beaute exacte,
Musee Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Parijs
Curator Fragments of the 60’s & 70’s I
Vito Acconci, Gordon Matta-Clark, Dennis Oppenheim,
Peter Hutchinson, Roger Welch, Bill Beckley.
Galerie Kornblit, Amsterdam
Curator Kathe Burkhart, Karen Kilimnik, Elise Tak Drawings
Bloom gallery Amsterdam
Curator La Photographie Contemporaine Hollandaise;
Paul Blanca & Emiel van Moerkerken
L’Espace Photo Angle, Montpellier France
Curator Retrospective Emiel van Moerkerken
Lumen Travo Gallery, Amsterdam
